Lolita is a true romantic novel. The obvious questions arise about age of
consent and of course morality versus immorality but the most interesting and
important question to be asked of Nobakovs work is if this is in fact
love. Humbert’s displays of affection
and lyrical description could be read as lust and it is often times still
confusing to pinpoint whether or not this is in fact just lust. This lust displayed is a product of Humbert’s
fetish. Young prepubescent girls specifically
enchant him, and nothing more. He tries
marrying off with woman nearer his age but the marriages undoubtedly fall
apart. I recently read an article about
a now infamous ex Penn State football coach named Jerry Sandusky now charged in
prison for molesting numerous numbers of boys.
The doctor being interviewed makes the point that he believes after
studying pedophiles, that pedophilia it self is a sexual orientation and is not
decided upon at some point in life.
Lolita is certainly to young for Humbert, no matter how smart, perceptive
or seemingly willing she could ever be towards him, Humbert’s love is tragically
wrong. Morally wrong. The impressive thing is that Nobakov took
something so disgusting and off putting and created a love story.
“I would be a knave to say, and the reader a fool to
believe, that the shock of losing Lolita cured me of pederosis. My accursed
nature could not change, no matter how my love for her did. On playgrounds and
beaches, my sullen and stealthy eye, against my will, still sought out the
flash of a nymphet's limbs, the sly tokens of Lolita's handmaids and rosegirls.
But one essential vision in me had withered: never did I dwell now on
possibilities of bliss with a little maiden, specific or synthetic, in some
out-of-the-way place; never did my fancy sink its fangs into Lolita's sisters,
far far away, in the coves of evoked islands.”
In this passage Humbert very interestingly outright
addresses his pedophilia, and inability to change. This passage in particular makes me
sympathize with the narrator who is just simply unable to deal with his
circumstances. With Lolita gone he still
finds like he has his entire life himself completely consumed with lust over
young girls. This is not far off the way
most males minds behave regularly the sole problem of course is the target age
of the girls he happens to be attracted too.
It is simply just not right. I
think Humbert knows this. The viewer in
this passage can understand the sickness that Humbert possesses and hopefully
his helplessness. Humbert’s love can
never be accepted, appreciated, moral and so it seems reciprocated. In reference to the article I read and sexual
orientations of heterosexuality, homosexuality, and bi-sexuality, Humbert’s orientation
seems to fall under pedophia-lity and he is forever trapped in his position.
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